Monday 9 December 2013

Opening Sequence Research - Wall-E

Wall-E Opening Sequence 

This is the opening sequence for Wall-E. The film opens with the name of the production studio "PIXAR", this suggests the film is animated, as Pixar is the most renowned animation studio in the world. Because the film is animated it creates a link to the audience; such as young children and also adults who may take their children to go see the film. The production company is then introduced; "WALT DISNEY PICTURES" which is also a signifier as to the audience for the film. Because it is set in space it tell us the genre is Sci-Fi

The soundtrack soon starts playing, it is very joyful and sound like something typical of a 1950's film, this is soon seen to be very misleading as the film continues. The film is set on Earth, but not the Earth we know it. The whole place is covered in metal and junk, and looks very gloomy and miserable. Creating a sense of irony through the contrasting joyful audio and depressing visuals. The music then fades away and your left with an eerie noise that creates the sense of desolation and isolation, no longer happy and joyful. 

There are a range of colours used in this sequence. At the beginning when the galaxies and planets are being show the colours are bright and bold. This changes when the audience are given a closer look at Earth, the colours are no longer bright and bold rather dull and rustic creating a worn out polluted feel. There aren't many titles in this sequence as this is an animation not many actors would have been used.

I have learnt that sound plays a critical part in the conveyance of emotion and atmosphere in a film. It can either allow the viewer to feel a certain way only in greater depth or it can be used to mislead the viewer and create a sense of irony (as shown in the sequence above), but if used incorrectly it can destroy a perfect piece of film. 

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